Gods’ Loving Religious & Spiritual Servants and Leaders of All Faiths

This section is for All who look to Gods’ Guidance. A Great Multitude of this Nation and the World that (though they may Seek and understand Him in different ways,) Live by the Precepts that have been placed on their Souls, that they are to Love & Care for the Life and Safety of all people, and here to   “Speak Out”   for all those that they guide. Including your position and faith in service to Him can show, not the differences but the oneness of those who believe, and thereby become a powerful source for these changes that are so Vital


2 thoughts on “Gods’ Loving Religious & Spiritual Servants and Leaders of All Faiths

  1. My Daddy calls me Angel. As I have mentioned before I look apon my brother, Jonathan R. Midlo, may he rest in peace, as an Angel in heaven who watches over us. We together have a duty to guide and protect the people of our world from the harms and serious effects, including death from these psychiatric medications. On this Easter Sunday, I implore you to use your faith in God, your will and your power of word , so guided from the Holy Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ , and from the angels to speak out in our and God’s willful cause for Safety of all his precious and beautiful people. As is my Father here on earth’s cause to fulfill the work and dedication of my brother’s career as a protection servant of the people as an EMT to provide help, care, and this so very important grant of grace, called “Safety.” This is what my Father does every day to honor my brother’s life and keep going on. He does this to continue to carry on Jonathan’s legacy, as well as do my Mother and sister’s, Teigan and Crystal. Whom he guide’s and protects every day and loves so dearly.
    This Easter is the remembrance of my brother Jonathan’s Death on this March 27th, 2017. I will always remember you and think of you when I do this for all the people in my life. I will always love you Jonny. Love, Angel

  2. After we lost our baby, I was crying out to God in my grief and I remember asking “What I am supposed to do now?” I very clearly heard God say “I expect you to worship me.” That voice has been with me every day for the last two years. Every day, I am supposed to worship him. The experience totally transformed my worship. I’ve learned to worship when I don’t feel like it, when I’m angry, and when I’m scared. He is no less worthy, he deserves no less.

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