Component { #4 } of Jonnys Law

That It be Mandated that all antidepressants and anti-psychotics SSRI”s, SNRI”s, and including all other forms of psychotropic drugs,

that of which the purpose is to alter the brains functional chemistry.

Be Labeled As Such.

That this be Stringently Enforced with Legal  Consequences, both (civil and criminal,)  for the violation thereof.

Component { #5 } of Jonnys Law

That it be Mandated that the Unethical practice of Direct Advertizing (by all forms of the media,) to the general public, of Prescription Drugs, be deemed illegal.

This done with the understanding that this practice not only results in the mental deception of the trusting yet untrained public, but also creates a Conflict of Interest for the News and reporting Journalists, (whose Idealism is to bring the Truth to the people,) and the Corporations which employ them, to be tainted by the pressure by loss of income from the promotion of these potentially lethal drugs.

That this be Stringently Enforced with Legal  Consequences, both (civil and criminal,)  for the violation thereof.

Component { #6 } of Jonnys Law

That the FDA be Mandated that it’s Approval of prescription drugs, [with respect to all forms of anti-psychotics, (SSRI’s / SNRI’s and the like,) yet be unlimited in scope to include all prescription medications.] be based upon FDA assigned Independent studies and Not by the studies that the drug companies choose to submit.

That this be Stringently Enforced with Legal  Consequences, both (civil and criminal,)  for the violation thereof.

Component { #7 } of Jonnys Law

That it be Mandated on the Federal level and Enacted in all States for the purpose of serving True Justice, an appeal system based on a psychological review of those incarcerated for crimes committed as a result of a Doctors, Medically Prescribed, Antidepressant induced Psychotic Break.

It needs to be noted here that the Truth is that there is a vast amount of creditable research and data that supports that many of these crimes, though some horrific, would never have been committed by these people had their true nature not been altered by these medically prescribed psychotropic drugs.

Dr. Oz This Week Antidepressants

This week on The Dr. Oz Show, was what he called one of the most important shows of the year. It’s titled “The Truth About Antidepressants”. Please take the time to watch it with his renowned guests, Dr. Drew Pinsky MD, an addiction specialists and the psychiatrist  Dr. Daniel Amen. This is not only important information for the general public but also for Psychiatrists, Psychologists, MD’s, Pharmacologists, and anyone in the field of Medical Practice

Listen To The Truth

AbleChild.Org Sandy Hook Petition

Below is the Link to the page where you can get to the Sandy Hook petition for the release of Adam Lanzas’ Toxicology Report. Please join in and sign this petition.

Adam Lanza

We also would like to endorse “” as a valuable source for support and information when in need of guidance and help with issues pertaining to the ethical and safe psychological treatment of our nations vulnerable children.

AbleChild Organization


Adam Lanza Toxicology Records Request


Was Connecticut Shooter, Adam Lanza, on Psychiatric Drugs? Medical Examiner Snubs Official Request for Toxicology Report

By Kelly Patricia O’Meara

March 15, 2013

Click on link below to read the official toxicology records request to Connecticut Medical Examiner, H. Wayne Carver II, M.D.

While state and federal lawmakers frantically push for massive mental health reform and sweeping gun control  laws, two Connecticut mothers recently took to the streets of Newtown, connecting with local residents and gathering signatures on a petition that asks a simple but essential question—did prescriptionpsychiatric drugs play a role in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting?

Seems like an easy and obvious question that, remarkably, has escaped the consideration of legislators who seem hell-bent on legislating increased mental health services without first having all the necessary information to make thoughtful, fact-based decisions.

Sheila Matthews, co-founder of AbleChild, a national parents’ rights organization, and Newtown resident, Patricia Sabato, went one-on-one with local residents to collect hundreds of signatures requesting the release of the complete autopsy/toxicology results and medical/psychiatric records of alleged shooter, Adam Lanza.

To back up the need for full disclosure of Lanza’s records, the petition points out certain undisputed facts, such as, at least 31 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 162 wounded and 72 killed.

Sheila Matthews has appeared on TV numerous times, including on CNN, NBC and Fox. She has been interviewed on many talk radio programs and has been featured in major newspapers and magazines.

The Petition further points out that22 international drug regulatory warnings have been issued on psychiatric drugs causing violent behavior, including mania, psychosis and homicidal ideation.  Additionally, between 2004-2011, there were nearly 13,000 reports to the FDA’s MedWatch system of psychiatric drugs causing violent side effects, including homicide, mania and aggressive behavior.

Both Matthews and Sabato were gratified by the community’s support. “The vast majority of the people were really supportive of our efforts,” says Matthews. “They were really engaged,” continued Matthews, “and they wanted, and felt like, they had a right to know if Lanza was on drugs.”

Sabato mimics Matthews’ sentiments. “A lot of people,” says Sabato, “actually congratulated us for doing the petition.” “The people of Newtown,” explains Sabato, “know there is more to this story and, though they are tired of hearing Lanza’s name, they still want to know everything that may have played a part in his actions.”

Sheila Matthews with former Congressman Ron Paul, who stated, “Too many children are suffering from being prescribed psychotropic drugs for nothing more than children’s typical rambunctious behavior.”

The mothers sent the petition to lawmakers and hand-delivered aletter to the State’s Medical Examiner, H. Wayne Carver II, M.D., requesting that Lanza’s autopsy/toxicology and medical/psychiatric history be publicly released.  The request literally cites two full pages of federal and state law supporting the request.

Despite the fact that, under Connecticut law, Carver is statutorily required to respond to the request, to date, the Medical Examiner has refused to even acknowledge receipt of the request, let alone release the requested information.

Certainly there are a number of questions that come to mind as to why the Coroner would refuse to release the information, but interfering with the on-going criminal investigation is not one of them.

In fact, Carver already has released selective information about Lanza’s autopsy, which begs the question – what is in the autopsy that obviously has put the Medical Examiner on the wrong side of Connecticut law and the wishes of Newtown residents?

In the end, it’s a simple question posed by those who lived through the nightmare. Was Adam Lanza on or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs at the time of the shooting?  The information is available. What’s the secret?

Kelly Patricia O’Meara is an award winning investigative reporter for the Washington Times, Insight Magazine, penning dozens of articles exposing the fraud of psychiatric diagnosis and the dangers of the psychiatric drugs – including her ground-breaking 1999 cover story, Guns & Doses, exposing the link between psychiatric drugs and acts of senseless violence.  She is also the author of the highly acclaimed book, Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills that Kill.  Prior to working as an investigative journalist, O’Meara spent sixteen years on Capitol Hill as a congressional staffer to four Members of Congress. She holds a B.S. in Political Science from the University of Maryland.



Developments in Newtown CT

I followed this incident from the 1st reports that the shooter was being treated for depression (which disappeared from the news) to, they were going to check the home for medical evidence (then said there was no evidence found) to where the shooters autopsy reports were to be sealed for six months because it was an open investigation (then noted that when released that only the autopsy would be released but the toxicology reports would remain sealed) hiding weather or not he was on  antidepressants.

We also received a phone call from a lady that I won’t identify, for her safety, because threats and intimidation being directed towards her and her family to keep quiet about what was going on in her families life and her beliefs of what was really being covered-up, and it wasn’t Gun or Child control.  Although not televised after going to our web-site she decided to let her voice be heard.

So she attended and spoke at the Bipartisan Task Force Public Hearing placing the importance of truth above her personal fears. Since then, because of her courage and what I believe to be Gods hand in this, there are many people crying out for the Truth and not blindly accepting what I believe to be misleading propaganda which has led people away from the one underlying common denominator behind almost all of these school shootings, which is adolescents either being on SSRI’s or going through  withdrawals (intentionally re-identified as discontinuation syndrome) from this group of drugs.